Monday, March 27, 2006

Scary spring cleaning

This will be a quick post because I have a task during this naptime. A big task. I'm right at this moment taking a mental deep breath before I go through my trunk to clean it out. Do you all have a trunk? MY trunk is where I keep all my journals, and I've been writing them since I was 10 years old. (Though blogging has kind of taken up my journal-writing energy for the past few months.) I've got a family photo album from when I was a baby, old junior high photos thrown in boxes, my college notebooks from favorite subjects and professors. I've got a painting from an ex-boyfriend, art projects from my ill-fated year as an art major, and folks, I have love letters. What the hell am I going to do with all these old love letters? I don't know yet. I DO know they're not things I want to subject Husband to, should I predecease him. I also know that I have zero interest in reading them ever again, 'cause when I burn my bridges there's just cinders left. But can I bear to toss them out? Your guess is as good as mine. So, deep breath...

I'll let you know tomorrow.


Dawn said...

EEEEK. I left all of that at my mother's house - it seemed safer there.

I am curious to hear where the stuff ends up!

Erin said...

Good luck! I so desperately need to do some spring cleaning. Maybe once this virus leaves my house...

Anonymous said...

Ugh, that stuff is so hard to go through. Hope you were successful in whatever you decided to do with it all!

Anonymous said...

I finally tossed all my old boyfriendy stuff - letters, cards, etc. - a few years ago. The hubby was like, "WHY do you still have this box of stuff from so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so?" I didn't ever want to read them again, like you, so I threw them away unopened. It was kind of cathartic.

Anonymous said...

I think it's nice to keep the old love letters. My sign is cancer, i am way sentimental, and love it.
In fact i save all my old letters, and do read them from time to time...maybe a looong time, but it's great how it brings me back to my youth and all my stages of growth. I actually get into this very calm, reflective and meditative state sitting and reading the selected letters. Aterwards, i feel rejuvinated.
Then again, i also love to organize and clean. Especially spring cleaning. I go through my stuf regularly. Have fun with it/get into it Sugar.

Bobita said...

Oh...the love letters. Sigh.

I have two boxes...never read them...don't know what to do with them...but can't seem to set them on fire...hhmmmm.

Good luck with yours.