Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Just a brief break from gardening here while I rehydrate and wait for the lively Miss Bean to finally fall asleep...

We're going to Miami this weekend because Husband has a radio interview. I'm just tagging along for fun, seeing as how it IS the city of my birth and all. WhatI care about is that there will be ocean, there will be tasty food that I didn't cook, and there will be no house full of beasts at my heels. Heavenly.

Sister isn't going, but I just want to say here that my darling older child has been so sweet to me lately. 3 examples of her wonderful new attitude:

Example 1: A couple of weeks ago, Sister told Husband that she thought he was mean. When he inquired why, she told him it was because I did all the work. (Holy crap, someone is noticing!)

Example 2: I was gardening the other day while Sister hung out at my side, idly picking through dirt clods for worms and interesting bugs. She looked up at me while I heaved shovelsful of clay out of a hole and remarked, "If I was going to marry someone it would be you. You're such a hard worker, Mama." Awwww!

Example 3: Rats, I can't think of the 3rd thing at this point. I'm still pretty sleep-deprived, so my brain sort of shorts out sometimes and I'm feeling around in a mental black pit. But at any rate, Sister has been solicitous in the extreme, offering to help me when I'm carrying groceries, my purse, and a 24# baby into the house, volunteering to entertain Bean when it is the witching/dinner-preparation hour and Bean is beginning to fuss. She politely asks for things and doesn't stomp and whine when I say no. She clears her plate--and glass and dirty napkin and even a condiment or two--without complaint.

The new and improved Sister. God love her.


Amber said...

Yay for new and improved sister! Want to send some of that my way?? I hope you have a good trip. I could use a trip.... sigh.

Piece of Work said...

Have a fantastic trip. Glad Sister is showing her true colors for you!

Dawn said...

Yeah, they sometimes pull this other child out of their asses. Usually when you want to throttle the shit out of them.

You remember what was so sweet and appealing about them...

Lauren D. McKinney said...

Wow, such a wonderful daughter. When I was little I was like that for days at a time, and then randomly switch over to resentful and hateful. I'm not sure why I told you that.

Mama D said...

So nice when they behave that way! Have fun digging in the dirt!

Anonymous said...

Safe travels and enjoy Miami. Your big girl sounds like she is an utter joy to have around these days!

Mommygoth said...

Yay! Go Sister! I like Dawn's theory.