Thursday, May 25, 2006

Baby talk

My sweet baby Bean could walk at 10-months old, earlier than Sister who took her first steps at 10-1/2 months. Sister then followed up this gross motor achievement very quickly with words, talking in small sentences by 12-months old. She is still very verbally adept, spending her free time dreaming up and writing stories, complete with accents and dialect from the characters, even. She keeps a little poetry notebook that she likes to scribble in throughout the day and read to me from at breakfast. Oh, and she talks. A lot.

Bean? Not so much. I know that Bean is only 13-months old, but forgive me for feeling like it's a little late for her not to be talking, given Sister's verbal prowess. The thing is, I think that Bean is perfectly capable of talking, but just doesn't want to for some reason. Here's a list of all the words that she has said over the last month or so--and some she's said a few times--never to be repeated.

nursing (Well, actually "nuh-nuh." And o.k., now that I think about it, she does still use that one to mean nursing and food in general. Don't stand between that child and food.)
uh-oh (Spent a whole day saying that one after hearing a little boy her age saying it, but after that? Nope.)
her sister's name
you go (as in "Here you go.")

She has said all these things, and it's like she wants to make sure we know she CAN say them but just doesn't feel like it again today. Or tomorrow. Or really ever again for that matter.

Bean understands and will follow requests that we make of her (usually). She's quite enamored with just screaming at the top of her lungs right now, thanks very much, so maybe she's just working on that little trick. She communicates very clearly with hand gestures and facial expressions, so maybe there's simply no incentive to talk yet? I don't know what's going on with this one, but I can't help but be a little impatient...


Mama D said...

I can relate to this because I felt this way when Audrey learned to roll over both ways and then didn't do it again for months. Then suddenly she rolled and rolled, was up on hands and knees, crawled and then stood. Things have slowed down now. She is perfecting the art of not falling and hitting her head all the time. But during the time when she seemed not to be 'progressing' the way I thought she should be I was very impatient. Very.

Maybe Bean is just happy to let her sister communicate for her? Or the hand gestures and facial expressions are working just fine. Why ask?

Mall Worker said...

Bean will catch up before you know it, and then you might miss the times before she could back talk!

I'm feelilng the same way about Boo. It seems like every other baby his age is crawling like a master or pulling themselves up. Not him, he's content to roll where he wants to go and crawl backwards. He'll get over it soon, and I know he'll regret it, I'd just like to know that somehow its not my fault!

Piece of Work said...

Vivian didn't have many words until 15 months or so--about the same as you describe here--and then all of a sudden it was word explosion. She was talking in sentences by 18 months, and at two, she has close to the same vocabulary as her 3 year old brother. Isaac learned to talk more slowly and steadily. ALl that said, as of course you know, it doesn't make a bit of difference. Early talking doesn't mean they are any smarter. Just like early walking doesn't make them more athletic.
By the way, Vivian didn't walk until she was 17 months. talk about worry!

Anonymous said...

You're reading my mind. CJ is 16 months and barely talking, whereas Tacy was blathering on and on at this point.

Give it a few more months. I'm giving it until CJ's 18 months. She's been to the ENT and her hearing tested great and she follows directions like a champ. So I'm trying to mellow out.

Gwen said...

Supposedly, the experts say that 2nd children do tend to talk later, since their older sibling can often communicate for them. Not that I could provide you with a link to these so called experts .....

Anonymous said...

SM-- my first was the same, won't stop talking... my 2nd-- also the same... just now at 2.5 she's putting sentences together. i knew she knew how to talk and communicate, but frankly she just didn't need to. Any talking that needed to be done was "translated" through her older sister. it can be very frustrating. truly teaches me not to compare them. just let them be.

Dawn said...

2nd kids with Verbal older sister arwe NOTORIOUS for being stingy talkers. My brother didn't say much until he was three. He could, I just said everything FOR him.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Early walkers!!!

This is my first time of visiting your blog. Feel free to stop by my blog and to post a comment you'll need to register (on the right side of the page) first then click Leave Your Comment next to any blog entry and then Post A Reply in the box that comes up.

I hope to visit your blog again soon! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh...and let me for later walkers or is normal in some situations to have a late walker/talker...just talk it over with your pediatrician to make sure...

Amber said...

My baby only has one word (nananaa=banana) sortof and she'll be 12 months next week.

Mommygoth said...

I think that's pretty normal. Miss K didn't talk any more than that at that age, and heck, still doesn't. I think they worry if they don't have 3-4 words they use often by 18 months.

Anonymous said...

I have had similar concerns about Rosie. At 19 months, she only has about 5 words in her regular vocabulary, and still babbles a whole lot. She's getting tubes inserted in about 3 weeks due to repeated ear infections, but I haven't sensed a hearing issue (more like selective hearing based on the way she reacts to things...) But since she is a second child, with a very talkative sister, I'm hoping that aspect is a factor.