Saturday, August 04, 2007

One solo bedtime routine down...

...and just 5 more to go. Sister is at her dad's for the long weekend, so it was just me and Bean tonight. It all went very smoothly, with a lot of time spent outside before dinner, taking turns watering the garden and chatting. Dinner went fine--a lot of fresh veggies from this morning's impromptu trip to the farmer's market--and even the dog got fed on time. Then a cozy shared bath during which I got a taste of what it's like to be Bean. She wanted to help me wash my hair and face, and the way she kept coming at me with the buckets of water and the big, dripping washcloth and I could just barely fend her off after it had gone on awhile...well, it must be how she thinks baths are supposed to go, huh?

She's sleeping now and even the dog is sleeping, though with a rather more sullen attitude than either she or I have at the moment. I'm looking forward to the rest of this quiet evening with mint chocolate chip ice cream, some comedy movie on cable, and diligent work on the border of Bean's big girl bed quilt.

Nighty-night, y'all!


Angel said...

sounds like the perfect evening...enjoy it all to yourself. why is hubs out of the country? dang!!! I've heard of leaving town but that's crazy! ;)

ya, my girl needs a care package...I sent her some gossip magazines last week, and some recipes and stuff. I try to make sure she gets some kind of mail from me each week. she said she's had a whole week by herself and not one single person knocked on her door. :( she is soooo sad and lonely. I hope school starts soon so she can get busy and keep her mind off things. thanks for asking!

Joan said...

Sounds like a nice day. I hope you got some rest.

Suburban Gorgon said...

Hang in there, honey! The few business trips the Minotaur have taken have been shorter than 6 days, and even still it's tough to get everything done with no backup. Let me know if you need any help..

Mama D said...

That sounds so nice. Bath with baby, ice cream... mmm.