Monday, April 14, 2008

Trying to say yes

Happy little painter, originally uploaded by Secretsugar.

I had a good mama friend over yesterday for lunch and we got to talking about a book we're both interested in. My friend actually owns a copy and after hearing more from her about it, I think I'll probably go ahead and spring for a copy myself. I'd seen it available on Soulemama's blog and I think the gist of it is that we parents should allow our little ones access to art and craft supplies instead of keeping them under lock and key for fear of the mess. I mean, don't you want to raise creative, crafty kids? I know I do, so of course it's stupid for me to stingily hide all the good stuff from their creative little paws, right? Today I'm going to try putting all the art supplies into a low cabinet where the girls can use them. I'm going to try saying yes whenever one of them wants to make a project. I'm going to try to quash my first thought that the huge mess won't be worth it. Because I'll bet it will.

Here's our easel brought inside the house this morning for Bean to use. You know, this darn thing has been sitting out on our back porch for the last year, completely without paint and brushes, with only chalk for the chalkboard available. Doesn't it make you wonder why I bought it in the first place? Bean was incredulous that I brought it in and actually put paint in the cups for her. Make no mistake, there was a huge mess, but hey! There is now a gorgeous, pink and purple swirly paint creation drying on the newspaper that Bean is very, very proud of.


Tam said...

I know you're right...i've relinquished the markers and crayons and will try to be better. :) I actually was talking to a friend who is an artist and mom and we realized that we go away into dark quiet rooms to do our making rather than doing it in front of the kids. If we want them to be makers then I guess we have show them how we work, huh? This is a fabulous painting pic of your lovely little one.

Anonymous said...

go bean go! and you too sugarmama! can't wait to see the wonderful works of art created by your girls. of course, the next problem will be - where in the world do we mamas store all these glorious works of art?? a good problem to have, i say. (and just so you know, there are some great suggestions in The Creative Family about this dilemma too!) - kat

Unknown said...

I agree 100%! Ariana loves to do craft projects. I even got her her own scrap book and had pictures printed for her. She uses my stickers, my glue, my scissors, and she has done a pretty good job so far!

She has paints, (which yes, I HATE to clean up, especially the glitter paint) and has shalacked and painted boxes. (Yea, trying getting that off your table! It has taken me months of slowing picking at it. Leason learned).

I use to be really anal about that, but she doesn't play with toys. She loves craft and coloring, and she loves when I color with her.

Mama D said...

That is a GORGEOUS easel. Yeah, I still have the crafty stuff put away. But she requests it and I say yes unless it's time for a meal or bed.

Amber said...

"Saying Yes" was actually one of my resolutions this year. I was feeling like I was always saying no- but now I say, 'yes as long as you clean up when you're done' and my kids have done pretty good.

Joan said...

I've probably told you before that we turned our never used dining room into our daughter's craft room. I get some weird looks from other moms but do I care? No.

Angel said...

YAY!!!!! BEan loos so happy! I love crafts and all my kids loved doing stuff...Joey too. Ya, it's amess, but only for a very short time....and you get YEARS of enjoyment out of it.

Alison Wonderland said...

Unfortunately you're braver than I am. I'll work on it.