Monday, February 27, 2006

What the...?

2 search terms via which at least a couple of people out there found my blog today: "top secret rug cleaners" and "new husband store." Ummm...hmm. Well then.


Mommygoth said...

Oh, man. Top secret rug cleaners. i need one of those.

Dani said...

"Top secret run cleaner" Hmmmmmmmm...Sounds almost naughty.

Jess Riley said...

I had a HORRIBLE search lead someone to my site: "How to cope with the death of your husband." I felt so bad for this poor woman!!!! said...

I used to get some really horrid ones at my old blog!

Mama D said...

I wanted to ask how you can tell what search terms people used to find you. Is this a dumb question?