Monday, February 13, 2006

Living by the list

Our days are wildly busy lately, as I think I've mentioned several times on this blog at this point. Thank God that it's the Ex dealing with Sister on this, the day before Valentine's Day. There were 24 valentines to make, but it won't be me needing to help! Phew!

I have no less than 3 lists I'm working from at the moment, and they are just barely helping me to avoid flying apart into a million pieces. Y'all know that feeling? I have a master list with several slightly longer term items to do on it--signing up Sister for Girl Scout camp, calling the vet to make appointments, coming up with a donation for a silent auction at the school next week, that sort of thing. Then there's my to-do today list I've been keeping, involving running errands to the grocery store, the dry cleaners, the fancy gourmet store for Valentine's Day treats, etc. Then there's the grocery list I keep scratching things off of and adding things back onto THE SAME DAY that I've been to the grocery store because I'm so frazzled and spaced out I keep forgetting to write stuff down when it occurs to me. 3 lists. Oh, and does it count that I have several emails I have re-checked as unread in my email box because I need to get around to thinking about and answering them? They're all from Sister's Brownie troop's parents, about the stupid Girl Scout cookie sale we're in the throes of at the moment. I am the troop's cookie mom. Stupid Girl Scout cookies. Another thing? Don't remind me that I'm flying to Atlanta to help Husband with his father's house some more in just 4 short days.

I'm just flat busy. My head is spinning even as I type this. And here I am typing! Blogging when I should be doing...oh, any number of things. But I'm having a cup of hot cocoa, which takes the place of a nap for me, which was something sort of on my mental to-do list today. (Also, the cocoa has squirty whipped cream on top. Mmmm, delicious squirty whipped cream...) And there's a fire in the fireplace behind me. Not because we need one, though the day is a little chilly, but because, "Move the wood pile for the fencers" is one of the things on one of my lists, and burning the wood seems easier and more satisfying than simply relocating it. Say it with me, y'all: I am not really procrastinating.


Rachelle said...

I never procrastinate by blogging either. Never. Not me. Not at all.

Jess Riley said...

I'm commenting on your blog when I should be working. Shhhhh....

Mommygoth said...

Sorry sugarmama - you are SO procrastinating. Wah, I want to leave work and come to your house with the fire and the squirty whipped cream! I'll hold Bean!