Friday, February 24, 2006

Almost there...

I know I don't have a 9-5 job and all, but I just wanna say thank God it's Friday! This has been my week from hell, and I still don't have a handle on quite why things have become so crazy. Is it that the doggie takes up that much more of my free time? Is it the stupid Girl Scout cookie sale? Is it stuff having to do with Husband's father's estate? Maybe all this combined? Hard to say, but I'm glad this week is petering out at last.

Would you like to hear about some of the methods of coping I used in the last 24 hours so that I didn't become hair-ripping, clothes-rending certifiable? Sure ya do. I know every one of you has been there before.
  1. I scheduled my mom to come pick Sister up for a weekend with her beginning after school today.
  2. I've decided to take my own advice to Mommygoth awhile back and have not 1 but 2 gin-based cocktails at night! The first should be administered before dinner so that it goes straight to the head with no food to dilute the effect. I swear, I tried this last night because things were spiralling that far out of my control and I was suddenly the best, sweetest, most patient mama in the world! During double-bath time and half-hour late pre-dinner preparations, too! Try it, y'all. I'm serious.
  3. I let Bean crawl around naked after her bath just so her screams of dismay at getting dressed wouldn't ruin my gin-induced equilibrium. She still wasn't totally happy, but an extra-large, crinkly truffle wrapper and a floret of raw broccoli did the trick. Everything is novel to a baby! Naturally, I was watching her and she didn't choke.
  4. I've promised myself that somewhere during this weekend I will go to the fabric store and treat myself to some new and beautiful fabrics. Not because I need to start another project--though I do have one in mind--but because fabric is a really pretty inexpensive pick-me-up.
  5. I'm allowing myself to blog and to read others' blogs right now rather than clean the house before my friend visits. Heh. I assure you, she won't care.
Feel free to purloin any or all of these Sugarmama-approved methods of keeping your sanity during your own wretchedly busy weeks. Especially the gin.


Mommygoth said...

Attagirl, Sugarmama. You sound MUCH better than you did last night.

Erin said...

Sounds like you have a great plan! The only thing I can think of, and pardon me for being so blunt, is a good roll in the hay. That is a great stress relief! :)

Amber said...

True friends are the ones you don't have to clean for. I hope you have a fabulous visit!

Lauren D. McKinney said...

Excellent coping strategies. Guess you're not like Bree with the wine on Desparate Housewives? Heh, heh. Not funny.

Alas, I have no gin. Something is seriously wrong. said...

Would SugarMama approve of a few 16 oz cans of beer and two hours of That 70s Show? I'm not fond of beer, but that's what we have here, so it'll have to do.

I love looking at fabric! I sure wish I could remember how to thread the bobbin on my sewing machine.

Have a great weekend!

Mama D said...

Fabric would make me depressed since I am incapable of making anything out of it. I want to learn though. You will be proud to know that I hardly cleaned at all before our friends came over. I took your advice without even knowing it.

Sugarmama said...

Erin, be as blunt as you want! And Belle, beer will absolutely do in a pinch, though I confess to being not much of a beer drinker either. However, a stressed-out mama isn't good for anyone, so do what you need to do.

I'm a little embarrassed to have never seen Desperate Housewives--seems like I should be a bit more in the know than I am, but alas! The occasional episode of The Office is about all I can manage anymore.

Anonymous said...

no cleaning? I can SO do that!

Dawn said...

Gin is Yummy!

May I suggest instead of tonic, you try to "half and half tonic"? It is half grapefruit, half citrus of some kind. Delici-oh-so.

I know of the fabric pick me up. I have quite a stash to show for it. I hover over it like Gollum...
"MY Precccciiioussssss"

Anonymous said...

I like number two. I think I may have to employ this method next week as I am home everyday with the kids - they are on break and so am I.