Sunday, January 15, 2006

Almost cocktail hour...

This is the first day I've had in some time where I felt like my old self again. Must've been the fact that Bean didn't nurse last night til 6 a.m., and then fell back asleep til 7:45! This means that I got 9 nearly-solid hours of sleep, y'all, and guilt-free, too, since Husband did the same. Today I was cheerful, had brainstorms while scrubbing the floor, had a lovely visit from Mommygoth and Miss K, played patiently all day with the baby, joked with my dear spouse, and sang aloud to music--in short, all the things that mean I'm a normal woman after all and not some dried up, ol' shrew mama.

Which reminds me of my post yesterday, when I was in the most wretchedly bitchy mood and happened to mention birthday sex for Husband's birthday. This seemed to strike a chord, I think, since some of you ladies out there began commiserating immediately about obligatory birthday sex. I ended up feeling kinda bad about it and now want to clarify: I actually like sex with Husband. Now, I must admit that since Bean was born 9 months ago things have sort of fallen off in that area. This is, of course, just because of the double whammy of sleep-deprivation and nursing hormones riding herd on my sex drive--I'll bet all you mamas out there know how that works. My assumption is that once I quit nursing and Bean is regularly sleeping through the night I'll be back to my sassy self in that department, too. I'm looking forward to it because it does bother me that most of the time I just couldn't care less about sex. I mean we do it, but if given a choice that wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings I'd probably try to catch up on my sleep.

But enough qualifying, I think. I just wanted to make clear that I'm not that old yet and wanted to go on record as saying that I am in fact quite fond of Husband. Amazed at my good luck in finding him (again) even. There.

Hopefully that wasn't too much to spill out here on the blogosphere. If it was just you ladies that I already know about that'd be o.k., but I'm pretty sure that a couple of Husband's friends like to read my blog and tease him about its content sometimes. Oh well. I'll leave it. Maybe they'll be secretly jealous and keep their damn mouths shut for once.


Anonymous said...

I know what you're saying. I adore my husband too. I just interpreted your post to be more about not necessarily being in the mood all the time, due to tiredness/stress/etc. I myself prefer spontaneous intimacy rather than when I know it's expected. But it can be fun either way. ;-)

Erin said...

Eek. Hope we didn't get you into trouble. I agree with Nancy. It's nice to be spontanious, and enjoy making love. But when you know that it's coming, and you ain't exactly in the mood, well, it kinda puts a damper on things.

I love my husband to death. I enjoy every aspect of our relationship, but when it comes to the obligation of sexual intimacy because of a birthday or a holiday, I could go without!!

Sugarmama said...

Nancy, yes, that's exactly what I was trying to get across. And even "obligatory" sex or sex when I'm not exactly in the mood is still sex that I ALWAYS feel glad I had afterwards!

Unfortunately, after I posted this yesterday Husband came home in a foul mood because one of his more obnoxious friends had been "pushing everyone's buttons," as he put it. I was afraid to ask, but I'll bet that means the guy was once again teasing Husband about my blog. Should've just kept my mouth shut, I guess. Y'all didn't get me in trouble. I did it my OWN self, thanks. I'm good at that...

Dawn said...

Well i did put my husbands Vasectomy out there for the world, so I am in no position to judge.

Finding the right time for both adults to be in the mood with any child in the house is rough. We find we go through cycles, you know. Sometimes, it is a totally,"I am doing this cause I love you, but I could be doing my crossword puzzle"

I think that is the stuff no one tells you about in the Movies.

Ortensia Norton said...

I'm sorry but I thought these two blogs were HILLARIOUS!!! I felt like I was watching Seinfeld, not really believing what I am hearing, but glad it's being said, b/c everyone knows exactly what you're talking about. I just couldn't stop laughing so thanks!

Mommygoth said...

Given how naughty you are when you're not nursing, I'm sure your sweetie understands!