Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Coming up for blog air

Whew! One busy week on top of another has me struggling to squeeze in blogging lately. Last week was Bean's first birthday party, as most of you already know, and it was such a baby-and-kid mob scene that neither Husband nor I took ANY pictures. Not one! Fortunately for posterity, we had two very kind friends who did snap some photos and post them on their Flickr accounts for us to glean, but I'm unsure of the feasibility of posting someone else's pictures from Flickr. Perhaps someone else knows?

But here's my current week in brief before Bean wakes up:

  1. I'm beginning to slowly wean Bean. Last night I officially ended her final evening feeding, the one that she wakes at 10:30 or 11:00 for and definitely does NOT need. I had been shortening this feeding for the past week til it was down to just a couple of minutes. Nevertheless, nixing it altogether made Bean very sad indeed, and she cried off and on from 10:30 til midnight. Hopefully tonight will go better.
  2. I'm in the process of making a wedding cake for a friend getting married this weekend. It's her second wedding and it's to serve only 50 people, so it's not too big. Still, though, it's keeping me busy. The bottom and top tiers are going to be chocolate-almond torte filled with chocolate-rum ganache. The middle tier will be orange pound cake filled with both lemon and lime curds and rum buttercream piped in such a way that it will be fetchingly stripey when it's cut into. I'm frosting the whole thing with rum buttercream and decorating it with a whole mess of edible fresh flowers. It should be fun, and I'll definitely take pictures of it to share.
  3. We've rescheduled our yard sale for this weekend! In fact, we're having it on the same day that I need to have the wedding cake done, so THAT should be fun. Hopefully the crazies won't call me again. And I guess I need to get around to pricing things, but I don't dare til Husband goes through all the boxes and gets his chance to tell me, "But you can't sell that! I like that! We need that!" This will annoy me, but I'll try not to be TOO much of a heartless hard-ass.
  4. I need to get out into the yard and turn over the dirt in the little garden space I'm allowing Sister to plant all on her own this year. I say "little," but in fact this space is pretty big. I'd say about 12 feet by 6 feet or so? Have I mentioned that doing any kind of soil-amending in our yard is both necessary and back-breaking? It's solid clay, I tell ya. A neighbor of ours once dug up a chunk of clay so pure in her yard that a potter friend threw a pot and fired it in a kiln without it exploding! In case you don't know, that is some serious clay.
  5. What else, you ask? Isn't that enough?! Jeez, y'all...


Mama D said...

Can't wait to see that cake! Too bad I couldn't sample it as well! Happy Garage Sale!! Hope it goes well!

Rachelle said...

You are busy! I want to see cake pics!

Amber said...

That cake sounds divine!! I'm making a mock cake today and tomorrow. I'm doing my BIL's wedding cake in May and I'm having issues with the bride. I feel like we're not communicating and I'm not getting a real feel for what she wants. So I'm making a rice crispy cake to try several different things on to see what she wants. Should be fun! Anyway, enough about me. More about you! Pictures of your cake! Good luck with garage saleing!

Mall Worker said...

Sounds like you have a busy couple of days! I hope the yard sale goes well and that the cake turns out well!

Anonymous said...

that cake sounds AMAZING. i'll be back to see those pics!