Saturday, April 14, 2007


I can't seem to climb out of the doldrums I'm in right now. Do any of you ever wake up feeling resentful as hell at just everything? Having to wake up super early so you'll be sure to get a shower before the baby wakes, the damn dog whining to be let out, the cats yowling at you to be fed, the 31-pound baby refusing to be put down and demanding her morning smoothie, just everything happening first thing in the morning all at once and you're in charge of it all? With no time to just sit a minute quietly with your hot tea and think about the day? And no chance in hell of that happening in the next few years at all?

Ugh. How do I snap out of this? How do you snap out of it?


Joan said...

I wrote several posts recently about being resentful. I think I finally snapped out of it thanks to time.

Angel said...

you know what? I feel like this alot of the time. And I don't know how to pull myself out of it....i just try to tell myself....OVER AND OVER AND OVER...that I really DO have agood life. Ya, I'm the ONLY one who knows how to open the door to let the dogs out, and the ONLY one who knows how to replace an empty toilet paper roll.....BUT....I don't have to walk around in a Burka, and I don't live in a refugee camp...yada, yada...

I hope you feel better soon, cuz you are an AWESOME mom who does so much for her family and you should be congratulated for here it is...

Anonymous said...

I've been feeling it so much... it makes me mad but being the only one in the house that takes care of everyone else's needs starts to make me mad too. second baby has compounded it! i thought maybe there would be more teamwork... no, just double the work (or maybe triple). this miserable spring weather(or non-spring) is not helping me either.

haven't been doing much blog reading lately. glad i checked in b/c i'm feeling the same way. said...

Yep, been there and done that. I don't usually 'snap' out of it, either. I usually just have to wait it out. Though I have to admit, with working extra hours, doing more housework and less napping, and then working out a good bit, I don't have much time or energy to be all that resentful anymore. It still happens, of course. But not as often, or as bad, and it eventually passes.

Mama D said...

Um, snap out of it? You mean, we're supposed to?

I know. I think I just keep chugging along and eventually it wears off. For a while.

It's totally understandable and I find my resentment is compounded by my husbands complaints of too little sleep, too little time to do stuff 'for himself' or that A was difficult to look after for those few hours he had her.

Boo Hoo, I say.

And I totally know what you mean about the pets. With my cat frustrated with the fact that "Oh crap, I still have to give the cat his stupid needle before we go, I guess we'll be even later!"

Cass said...

shit...resentful seems to be one of those feelings that weaves itself in and out of an American mother's life...really probably any mother or wife's life.

Just gotta go have some fun yourself sometime! Maybe you need a "Girl's Night". Its good to get time to yourself!

mendel said...

One thing we do is in the morning, after I nurse the baby, my husband takes the baby and dog walking for about an hour so that I can shower, eat something, make the bed, catch a little more sleep... whatever. He does this any morning he has the time to. Sometimes when the baby is fussy in the evening he takes another long walk then. It makes a big difference. Does your baby like long walks? Wow, a 31 lb baby - you must have some very strong arms, Mama!

MJ Tam said...

I try not to delve into it and I try to look at it differently so I don't feel so resentful.

I also allow myself to give myself a big pat in the back when the day has ended. It makes me proud that I can actually get all of it done, and if it isn't possible to get myself to feel better then I vent and vent to my husband so he can make me feel better:-)

Hope you will feel better soon.

Angel said...

Hey...are you still around? snap out of it woman and blog something!! ;)

miss you