Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A nothing much kind of day

No blogging all day today, though I meant to several times. It was one of those days where I was with someone else at all times, from getting Sister up this morning at 6:30 to get ready for school, fetching Husband Saltines and Cokes and ginger ales with lots of ice because they were the only things his virus-besieged stomach could keep down, to intensively playing with Bean pretty much non-stop to distract her from jumping on her papa's usually bouncy belly, til just about 15 minutes ago when I was able to get the girls down to sleep. Phew.

And now I'm remembering that I've got to make a phone call to the other Brownie troop leader about tomorrow's meeting. Was I the only one treading water today? I sorta thought February was the slow month out of the year....


Joan said...

treading water is a good way to describe this week. Tonight will be my son's 4th basketball game in 4 days, yesterday was his b'day though we didn't have time to celebrate. I've also been to a funeral and the computers went down at work. I want down time! Keep about from that husband and stay well.

Angel said...

I kinda like those "do nothing" days....they make up for the really crazy ones..

MJ Tam said...

Everytime I have one of those days that there isn't seem much to do I get a little weary that I am probably forgetting something...

And most of the time, I do! hehe